Constructive Law is delighted to announce the installation this week of its new signage at Battisford and District Cricket Club at the picturesque Moats Tye in Suffolk.

The possibility of sponsoring the club, so local to Constructive Law HQ, provided an irresistible opportunity to support just one of the many thousands of local groups of dedicated volunteers that have been playing such an important role in maintaining community spirit, particularly in these challenging times.

The England & Wales Cricket Board hopes that international cricket will resume in July (when England hosts the West Indies in the rearranged Test series) but the future of domestic cricket in 2020 is much less clear, particularly given Boris Johnson’s claim this week that the ball is a “natural vector” of Covid-19. Alongside the nations many other enthusiasts, we at Constructive Law will continue to wait steadfastly for when we are permitted to enjoy the drama and suspense of England’s national sport again safely.

About the Author

Rebecca Palmer

Solicitor and Director

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